
Political Philosophy

1. Overview

Do we have an obligation to obey laws?

Political Philosophy is examine philosophical questions about

  • the relationship between states and its citizen
  • relations between states
  • political obligation

2. Problem of Political Obligation

State make demands to us

  • Taxes, Army

The **problem **is Why should we obey the laws

Note: $Obeying \not= Complying $

  • Comply: do what the law commands, or they will be punished
  • Obey: do what the law commands because the law commands it

3. The Grounds of Political Obligation

  • benefit theory, can be divided in 2 parts

  • people benefit from state—clear

  • people have to obey the law—not clear,because:

  • does being benefited always generate obligations?

No, if I do something for others, I get a “Thank you”, it’s not obligations

  • does being benefited generate obligations to obey?

  • Consent theory: we’ve consented to the state and to having such obligations to it. Problem:

  • Insufficient people have given consent

  • Reply: Expressed and tacit (vote \ using public services) consent

  • it only generates obligation if one is able to withhold consent

  • Too easy to avoid

  • Reply, it’s not easy to avoid tacit cosent

  • Re:Reply, many people have no effective alternative to remaining within their state

  • Fairness theory: Citizens are a part of cooperative enterprises that are mutually beneficial and fair.

  • We’re born in states

  • We’re limited in our ability to leave the state

4. What if the Problem can’t be solved

We should reconsider states