

1. Intro

Multifaceted art form involves the three-dimensional representation or abstraction of forms

Materials include clay, stone, metal, wood, plastic and textiles

  • Materials greatly affect aesthetics and conceptual interpretation
  • Require different tools and techniques

Techniques: modeling (additive method), carving (subtractive method), casting (essential for reproducing fine details), assembly (innovative, multidimensional artworks)

Structural integrity: sculptors must ensure their works can stand stably and endure over time

Finish: surface treatment affects visual appeal

2. History

Ancient civilization

  • Mainly religious, royal, serving as idols, funerary statues
  • The Great Sphinx of Giza, statues of pharaohs like Ramses II

Classical Antiquity (Greek and Roman)

  • Greek: move from rigid, stylized forms to highly idealized anatomically precise figures, later more emotional and dynamic composition
  • Roman Sculpture: Focused on more realism and historical narrative, extensively using bronze and marble
  • Figures: Phidias, Praxiteles, Myron, Augustus


  • Romanesque and Gothic, mostly religious
  • Notable works are mainly for cathedrals and churches


  • Rebirth of classical techniques and themes, focus on humanism and realism
  • Figure: Michelangelo (David, Pieta), Donatello (David)


  • Dynamic, emotionally charged sculptures interacted with space and view
  • Figure: Gian Lorenzo Bernini


  • Renewed interest in classical ideals, focus on harmony and restraint
  • Figure: Canova, Houdon

Modern Era

  • Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Abstract expressionism, Minimalism


  • Installation art, environmental art, digital and interactive sculptures

3. Advanced Tech

Complex Mold Making and Casting

  • Creating multi-part molds that can capture intricate details

Direct Metal Welding and Fabrication

  • Welding, bolting, soldering

Stone Carving

  • More precise and detailed techniques, deep understanding of stone grain and properties

Incorporating Kinetics

  • Incorporate movement through mechanical, interactions with natural forces

3D Printing

Integrated Mixed Media

4. Style

Explore personal themes

  • Identify interests and passions
  • Research and inspiration

Experimentation with Tech and Materials

  • Try different mediums, clay, metal, wood
  • Learn New Tech
  • Create series of works