
Reflection After Museum

1. Intro

At past, I went to museum and tried to see all the master.

Last weekend, I tried a new method

  • Take pen and notebook
  • Only appreciate ONE piece of work at one gallery
  • Reflect why I like or dislike that work
  • Try to mimic that work on paper

2. What I learned in SFMOMA

What I like:

  • Harmony and Connectivity
  • Patterns with Variations
  • Dynamic Elements
  • Aesthetic Preference: circular shape, symmetry, well-balanced but vibrant colors
  • Interactivity and Clarity

3. What I learned in De Young

  • Perspective matters: if you stay too close, can’t see the whole picture
  • Attraction to shiny footwear
  • Impact of simple geometry: from Africa arts, simple geometric design evoke a strong of wild feel
  • Use of color and contrast, could make elements stand out
  • Oil painting: smooth texture combined with richness of detail