
General System Design

1. Intro

I start the System series blog in Philosophy part because I think the system thinking is more like the method of method.

2. Goal

Understand some general good properties and principle a long lasting system would hold

As long as the system can solve the problem, I think it is good enough, I just add long lasting as a constraints to make the question more insightful

3. General Principle

For robust, enduring system

  • Modularity: easily repaired, upgraded, modified
  • Scalability: handle increased loads or demands
  • Resillience: capable of absorbing shocks or unexpected events
  • Feedback
  • Efficiency
  • Clarity of Purpose

4. Learning Order

From general guidelines, I would start learning following area in order (for my interest)

  1. Software Development: Pure software, fundamental for many modern system
  2. Robotics: adds layer of physical system, real-time processing
  3. Education: explore the human side of system
  4. Politics: most complex, involve tech and human