
Design Pattern

1. Intro



  • Typical solution to occurring problem in software
  • pre-made blueprints
  • Intent, Motivation, Structure, Code example


  • Best practices
  • common language


  • Creational pattern, object creation
  • Structural pattern, assemble into larger structure
  • Behavioral pattern, take care of effective communication
  • Maybe useful in robotics area

2. Creational Pattern

Factory: use general interface, all subclass implement these interface. Good if continue to add object type

  • for create new sensor, new actuator

Builder: build a complex object by director and builder

  • could be useful for pipeline design

Prototype: implement clone() method, the client don’t need to know whats inside the class

Singleton: a class has only one instance, control the shared resource. make the default contructor private, create a static creation

  • for global control

3. Structural

Adapter: allow object with incompatible interface to collaborate, just add new function take care of the transition

  • for different robot object

Bridge: Abstraction and implementation, divide the problem, make it easier to

  • differentiate objects

Composite: compose objects into tree structures, so you can work on like recursive pattern

  • robot system

Decorator: add new behavior to objects

  • add new feature to different object

Facade: build a middleware, deal with details with large 3rd party library

  • make the system into layers

Flyweight: fit more objects into RAM

  • apply for optimization

Proxy: control the access, allow for performing something either before or after the request

4. Behavioral

Chain of Responsibility: pass request along a chain of handlers, each handler decide either process or pass

Command: turn request into objects, add logic layer

  • should be apply to robotics

Iterator: provide a function to get elements of the collection

Mediator: restrict direct communication, forces to collaborate

  • just like a center controller

Memento: save and restore previous state of an object

  • undo operation

Observer: event-subscriber, just maintain a subscriber list, and goes over subscriber

  • when two objects are closely related
  • important in robotics

State: change behavior when the internal state change. Fi

Strategy: a class contain different algorithm

  • nice for testing new system

Template: abstract class and make the subclass implement by itself for different type

Visitor: decouple with the object that working