
Webots Simulation for Tea Robot

1. Intro

Using the Webots to do the simulation of general mobile arm robot

Current, the simulation have following task to do (in high level)

  • Build a simulation world (Place something)
  • Obstacles
  • Object
  • Robot base movement simulation (SLAM)
  • Robot arm manipulation simulation (Kinematics and Inverse)

2. Roadmap

2.1. Build the World


  • The big box simulate the tea tree
  • The small box simulate the tea leaf
  • The YouBot simulate our robot

2.2. Migrate from Matlab to Python

Control robot move by control the wheel directly

step is important to update and sync the robot and world

2.2.1. Base

Movement. Turn. Go through location

2.2.2. Arm


3. Setup

Using Python as the controller

  • Change the preference
  • Recompile the wrapper

No need to recompile the Python binding since in newer version, the python is already in header file format

Just include the /Applications/Webots.app/Contents/lib/controller/python

in the Python path

And set the robot controller to extern


4. Design

Learn from the youbot design

4 Part

  • Arm
  • Base
  • move forward/backward/left/right
  • Gripper
  • init
  • Set gap
  • grip/release