
Build A Mobile Robot from Scratch —— Part II

1. Intro

It has been several weeks since the project begins. To make the project more clear, we can summarize the progress here and plan the next step

2. Current



  • Chasis
  • Power distribution: 12V, 5V, GND, voltage transformer, power
  • Move: Motor
  • Control: Arduino, Jetson Nano
  • Sensor
  • Encoder
  • IMU
  • IR: for communication and control


  • Remote Manual Control: move forward/backward, rotate clockwise/counter-clockwise. SPEED CONTROL
  • TODO: move robot to a specific position. POSITION CONTROL
  • use IMU, accumulate the ACCL
  • TODO: use lidar to build map and refer it for localization. CLOSED LOOP POSITION CONTROL
  • use Lidar

For the current phase, the goal is to move from point A to point B

  • due to the design, easy to rotate and move

3. Next Phase

For a robot, movement is the most basic task, following by the question: what can it do?

I would like to see a robot can move and finish some task that are useful, for example, clean the floor

  • Force feedback
  • Motor arm




  • 招人
  • 电气开发,福龙水平
  • 算法开发


  • 工业扫地
  • 酒店送餐机器人
  • 不大的企业


  • Fry robot