

1. What I want to Know

How they add key point landmark detection

How they design their network due to this change

2. Yolo5Face Contribution

  • Redesign the YoloV5
  • Design models for different model size
  • Evaluate on Widerface

3. Key Modification

Add a landmark regression head, this is what I want to know

In face detection, there are 5 points (simplified from 68 points)

  • General loss functions for landmark regression: Wing-loss
    \operatorname{wing}(x)= \begin{cases}w \cdot \ln (1+|x| / e), & \text { if } x<w \ |x|-C, & \text { otherwise }\end{cases}


  • Add landmark loss with object detection loss

loss(s)=loss_{obj}+\lambda{L} loss_L

Stem Block

  • YOLOv5 has a focus layer, replacing focus layer with stem block
  • Adding landmark into the stem block