

1. 1 Introduction

trajectory refers to a time history of position, velocity, and acceleration for each degree of freedom.


  • Easy description:just desired goal position and orientation
  • How to generating and representing in computer

2. 2 General consideration

  • Huamn-interface. Consider tool frame ${T}$ , in which a user would think and design path.
  • Path include many intermediate points (position and orientation)
  • Want a smooth path, first derivative even second derivative. jerky motions tend to cause increased wear on the mechanism andcause vibrations by exciting resonances in the manipulator

3. 3 Joint-Space Schemes

First get the via points and then convert it to a set of joint angle by inverse kinematics

Joint space schemes is the easiest to compute.

3.1. 3.1 Cubic Polynomials

Some constrains:

  • $θ(0) = θ_0$ initial
  • $θ(t_f ) = θ_f$ final
  • $\dotθ(0) = 0$ continuous in velocity
  • $\dotθ(t_f ) = 0$ continuous in velocity

θ(t) = a_0 + a_1t + a_2t^2 + a_3t^3solve the problem
to solve the problem (between two points)

3.2. 3.2 Cubic polynomials for a path with via points

What if we wish to specfify the intermediate via points? (between many points)

constrains becoms

  • $θ(0) = θ_0$ initial
  • $θ(t_f ) = θ_f$ final
  • $\dotθ(0) = \dot\theta_0$ continuous in velocity
  • $\dotθ(t_f ) = \dot\theta_f$ continuous in velocity

But how we choose the intermediate velocity? There are some method:

  1. Specified by user

  2. Choose by computer


  • If the slope of lines change sign at via point $\to$zero velocity

  • if the slope of lines does not change sign$\to$average velocity

3.3. 3.3 Linear function with parabolic blends


\ddotθ\times t_b =\frac{θ_h − θ_b}{t_h − t_b}

θ_b = θ_0 + \frac12\ddotθ\times t_b^2

There are 2 equations and 6 variabels

So, given $\theta_f ,\theta_0, t_h$, choose $\ddot\theta\to$we can calculate $t_b$

3.4. 3.4 Linear function with parabolic blends for a path with via points

Consider there an arbitrary number of via points


4. 4 Cartesian-Space Schemes

  • In Joint-Space, the spatial shape of path taken by the end-effector will be complicated

  • In Cartesian-Space, we can also specify shape of the path. Line\Circular\Sinusoidal

  • However, Cartesian schemes are more computationally expensive because inverse kinematics must be solved at real time

5. 5 Geometric Problems with Cartesian Paths

  1. Intermediate points unreachable


  1. High joint rates near singularity


  1. Start and goal reachable in different solutions
