
Path Tracking for Mobile Robot

1. Intro

Path tracking for car-like robot

Or can be called as vehicle lateral control

Some most common method

  • PID control
  • Stanley controller, based on cross-track error and heading error
  • Pure pursuit, based on current position and a point
  • Model predictive control(MPC), use a model of the vehicle dynamics to predict the future behavior, then optimize the control input
  • Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), use a linearized model to calculate the optimal control input

2. Compare

Method Pro Con
PID simple
good for linear system
stability issue
Stanley simple
sensitive to parameter tuning
not good with sharp turn
Pure Pursuit simple
good for low speed
suffer from oscillation
MPC capable, optimize Computationally expensive
LQR optimize linearized model

3. Pure Pursuit

Geometric path tracking controller

Look ahead point: A fixed distance on the reference path ahead of the vehicle

Reference point of vehicle: the center of rear axle

Target point:


4. Stanley Controller

CTE: cross-track error

Reference point of vehicle: the center of front axle

Cost: heading error + cross-track error

Control logic

  1. Eliminating the heading error
  2. Eliminating the cross-track error
  3. Clip the steering to bond

5. MPC

Define the cost function

  • deviation from the reference path
  • control command magnitude

Predict the future evolution of the system:

  • update the system state
  • x, y, $\theta$, $\delta$
