
Hybrid Systems

1. Switches Everywhere

Why should we switch? The robotics world is very complicated, so we should change our model and control method when situation changes.

  • By necessity: the dynamics change
  • By design: we want the robots to behave differently

What we are should deal with while switching?

  • Model
  • Stability
  • Compositionality
  • Traps

2. Model: Hybrid Automata

This is a finite state machine.

  • Dynamics: $\dot x=f_q(x,u)$, $q$ stand for discrete state
  • when $x$ is in the guard conditions, state $q$ change
  • Reset the state

A Simple 2-Mode System
&\dot{x}=A_{1} x=\left[\begin{array}{cc}
-\epsilon & 1 \
-2 & -\epsilon
\end{array}\right] x\
&\dot{x}=A_{2} x=\left[\begin{array}{cc}
-\epsilon & 2 \
-1 & -\epsilon
\end{array}\right] x


Both two system is stable.

Now we combine them with a hybrid automata


But what if we change the automata



  • The combination of two stable modes may be unstable

3. Stability

If all the individual modes are stable, then

  • Existentially Stable. Since we can pick a mode and never change

In practical, we should be aware of the potential danger and test, test, test!

4. Time Consideration

The ball bounces an infinite number of times in finite time

  • Cause simulations crash
  • hybrid system is undefined beyond this time
  • Know as the Zeno Phenomenon

How to deal with it?

  • Sliding Mode Control

A general example:

image-20200508015745315We should keep sliding along the switching surface (along the line )


  • Say this another way: $\frac{\partial g}{\partial x} f_{1}<0 \text { AND } \frac{\partial g}{\partial x} f_{2}>0$
  • That means $T$ and $f_1$ / $f_2$ are in different / the same directions

Summary: Do a test, it should satisfy $\frac{\partial g}{\partial x} f_{1}<0 \text { AND } \frac{\partial g}{\partial x} f_{2}>0 $ at $g(x)=0$

5. Regularizations

What we want: $\frac{dg}{dt}=0$
\frac{d g}{d t}=\frac{\partial g}{\partial x} \dot{x}=\frac{\partial g}{\partial x}\left(\sigma_{1} f_{1}+\sigma_{2} f_{2}\right)=\sigma_{1} L_{f_{1}} g+\sigma_{2} L_{f_{2}} g=0
\sigma_{2}=-\sigma_{1} \frac{L_{f_{1}} g}{L_{f_{2}} g}
And we add some constraints
\ \sigma_1>0
\ \sigma_2>0


6. All in One

Type 1 Zeno: the guard condition is actually the same but flipped


Test pass which means we must do sliding control to avoid Zeno effect