
Path Planning for Robot Arm

1. Math Formulation


  • 目标是根据需求来选择的,一般的会有的需求
  • 时间
  • joint constraints
  • 避障
  • 点:在三维空间中

2. Library

OMPL (Open Motion Planning Library)

  • sampling based and optimization based
  • How: PRM (Probabilistic Roadmaps ), RRT, BIT( Batch Informed Trees)
  • Input: include the robot’s configuration, the environment
  • Output: the motion plan, a sequence of robot configuration or trajectories

PIMPL (Pilz Industrial Motion Planner)

  • especially designed for industrial robot

STOMP (Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning)

  • optimization based, suited for many degree of freedoms
  • How: iteratively optimizing a random trajectories

SBPL (Search-Based Planning Library )

  • search based
  • How: reprensent the robot and environment as a grid, then use search algorithm like A*, Dijkstra, to explore

CHOMP (Covariant Hamiltonian Optimization for Motion Planning )

  • optimization based
  • How: based on the Hamiltonian formulation of mechanics and optimizes the Hamiltonian of the system subject to constraints.

3. Math Basis

RPM, RRT, BIT, Search, Optmization

3.1. Cell Decomposition

Sample the space into grid, so the problem degrade to a classic search problem

  • Bad for high-dimensional situation

3.2. Control based

  • Fast, can be done in online with minimal error
  • Difficult to compute with complex dynamics

3.3. Potential Fields

Simple and intuitive

  • Real time speed
  • Fail in local minima

3.4. Sample Based

  • If the solution exist, the method would find it

Some idea: workspace, state space, free state space, ppath

Two type

  • PRM, Using the knowdege of graph


  • Tree based


Important tool

  • Collision checking
  • Nearest neighbor