

1. 1. Big Picture

  • What makes a program better?many valid criteria, which are often in conflict.
  • omputer scientists love
  • Time
  • Memory
  • trade off
  • sum of 1-n:
  • simple add
  • gauss formula

2. 2. Big O Notation

f(n) Name
1 Constant
$log n$ Logarithmic
$n$ Linear
$nlogn$ Log Linear
$n^2$ Quadratic
$n^3$ Cubic
$2^n$ Exponential

3. 3. Example :Anagram Detection

  1. Checking off: check one by one ,$O(n^2)$.
  2. Sort and Compare: $O(nlogn)$
  3. Brute Force , try all possibilities: $O(n!)$
  4. Count and Compare: $O(n)$

4. 4. Performance of Python Types

  • Lists
  • Indexing & Assigning & Appending $O(1)$
  • Poping, Shifting & Deleting, normally $O(n)$ ,beacuse has to shift changed element
  • Reversing $O(n)$
  • Dictionaries
  • “getting” and “setting” : $O(1)$
  • Iterating & Copying: $O(n)$