1. 1 Introduction
Q-Learning: method based on Q value
- Every action in a specific state will have a Q value $Q(s,a)$
- For example, if someone in state $s_1$ have 2 optional action $a_1$ and $a_2$, and $Q(s_1,a_1)>Q(s_1,a_2)$, then this agent will do $a_1$ rather than $a_2$
Main idea:
- Start with a bad Q-table that will guide our action
- Do action based on Q-table
- Calculate estimated Q-value before action and real Q-value after action
- Update the Q-table based the error between esti-Q-val and real-Q-val, make the Q-table better for action
2. 2 Simple Game
2.1. Q-table
index matches states, columns matches actions
start with 0
2.2. Choose action
: e.g. $epsilon=0.9$
- 90% time choose the best action based on Q-table
- 10% time choose random action to explore the world
2.3. Environment Feedback
AKA reward
e.g. Only when the agent reach the goal point, it will get reward $1$, else the reward is $0$.
And agent’s state and environment update can also be done in this module.
2.4. Main loop
1 | initialize the Q-table |
3. 3 Hyper Parameter
We update our Q-table by
Q(s, a) \leftarrow Q(s, a)+\alpha\left[r+\gamma \max _{a^{\prime}} Q\left(s^{\prime}, a^{\prime}\right)-Q(s, a)\right]
There are 2 hyper parameter we can tune:
- $\alpha$ : learning rate, how much error we should learn. This value should be smaller than 1
- $\gamma$ : reduction value
- if $\gamma=1$, the future can be totally estimated. So agent will calculate long term reward add up.
- if $\gamma=0$, the future can not be estimated at all, so the agent will only value the next step’s reward.