
ML:Decision Tree

1. 1 Introduction

1.1. 1.1 What is a Decision Tree

A tree shaped supervised learning algorithm


Problem setting:

  • Set of possible instances $X$
  • each instance $x$ in $X$ is a feature vector $x = < x _{ 1 } , x_ { 2 } \ldots x _ { n } >$
  • Unknown target function $f : X \rightarrow Y$
  • Set of function hypotheses $H = { h | h : X \rightarrow Y }$


  • Training examples $\left{ < x ^ { ( i ) } , y ^ { ( i ) } > \right}$


  • Hypothesis $h \in H$ that best approximates target function $f$

1.2. 1.2 How it works

The tree divide the data into many categories make biggest entropy. That means the tree will try to get the maximum information gain from the dataset.

2. 2 How to Split a Node

In other word, how to split a node into 2 or more sub-nodes.

There are multiple methods can be used:

  1. Information gain
  • Based on entropy and information theory.

  • Used by ID3 *C4.*5 C5.0

  • Entropy $\mathrm { H } ( T ) = \mathrm { I } { E } \left( p { 1 } , p { 2 } , \ldots , p { J } \right) = - \sum { i = 1 } ^ { J } p { i } \log { 2 } p { i }$

Note: $\sum p_i=1$ which means if $p_i=p_j$ ,$H(T)$ is biggest $1 $ (equal probablity, most chaos)

  • Information Gain
    I G ( T , a ) = H ( T ) - \mathrm { H } ( T | a )\
    =- \sum { i = 1 } ^ { J } p { i } \log { 2 } p { i } - \sum { a } p ( a ) \sum { i = 1 } ^ { J } - \operatorname { Pr } ( i | a ) \log _ { 2 } \operatorname { Pr } ( i | a )
  1. Gini impurity
  • A measure of impurity, lower $\to$ better

  • Used by CART (classification and regression tree) for classification

  • Calculation
    \mathrm { I } { G } ( p )= 1 - \sum { i = 1 } ^ { J } p _ { i } ^ { 2 }

  1. Variance reduction
  • Used by CART (classification and regression tree) for regression

3. 3 Overfitting

How to avoid?

  • Stop growing when data split not statistically significant

  • easy to understand

  • hard to decide what is significant

  • Grow full tree, then post-prune

  • useful in practice

  • Reduced-Error Pruning

  1. Create a tree that classifies training set
  2. Evaluate impact on validation set of pruning each possible node
  3. Greedily remove the impact most slightly