
ML:First Step

1. 1 Introduction

How machine can learn from data?

First of all, we need to understand human brain. And we can make the machine learning application work the same way as our brain did.

Most simple algorithms: Find-S

2. 2 What is Concept Learning

“The problem of searching through a predefined space of potential hypotheses for the hypothesis that best fits the training examples.”

​ — Tom Michell

Human learning: acquiring general concepts from past experiences.

Machine learning: find a hypothesis that best fits the training example.


  • target concept $c$
  • object $X$
  • all hypothesis set $H$
  • $c : X \to { 0,1 }$

******What we should do is to find a hypothesis $h ( x ) = c ( x ) \text { for all } x \text { in } X$

Good hypothesis fit large set of training example well

$\to$ the hypothesis fit unobserved example well

3. 3 Find-S

3.1. 3.1 Hypothesis Notations

  1. $\varnothing$ :a hypothesis that rejects all
  2. $< ? , ? , ? , ? >$ :accepts all
  3. $< \text { true, false, } ? , ? >$ :accepts some

Total number of the possible hypothesis $N=(333*3)+1=82$

3.2. 3.2 Specific to General

  1. Start with the most specific hypothesis $\mathbf { h } \leftarrow < \boldsymbol { \varnothing } , \boldsymbol { \varnothing } , \boldsymbol { \varnothing } , \boldsymbol { \varnothing } >$
  2. Pick up a sample
  3. if sample is negative $\to​$ unchanged
  4. if sample is positive $\to$ update current hypothesis
  • $<true,true,false,true> \and <true,true,false,false> \to <true,true,false,?>$
  1. repetition of Step 2

3.3. 3.3 Limitations

  • No way to determine if result is consistent with the data
  • Inconsistent sets will mislead the result
  • No backtrack

4. 4 Candidate-elimination

4.1. 4.1 Chrarcters

Maintain 2 hypothesis

  • $S_0$ most specific
  • $G_0$ most general

4.2. 4.2 Algorithm

Pick up a sample

  • if sample is negative $\to$ specificalize $G_0$
  • if sample is positive $\to$ generalize $S_0$

4.3. 4.3 Limitations

Low fault tolerance

5. 5 Inductive Bias

Stronger the bias is, more powerful the generaliztion is.

indicate that: If there is no assumption, the learner can learn nothing but the data

Common biases:

  • Maximum conditional independence
  • Minimum cross-validation error
  • Minimum description length :Occam’s razor
  • Minimum features