
ML:Bayesian Learning

1. 1 Introduction

Testing whether a hypothesis is true or false by calculating the probability of an event in a prolonged experiment is known as frequentist statistics

  • An experiment with an infinite number of trials guarantees $p$ with absolute accuracy
  • It’s not practial to conduct an experiment with an infinite number of trials
  • deciding the value of this sufficient number of trials is a challenge
  • If we can determine the confidence of the estimated $p$ , it will allow us to decide whether to
  • accept the conclusion
  • extend the experiment with more trials until it achieves sufficient confidence
  • prior beliefs (for example, coins are usually fair and the coin used is not made biased intentionally, therefore $p≈0.5$)
  • play a significant role in shaping the outcome of a hypothesis test
  • However, it ==can’t== be used along with frequentist statistics

2. 2 Bayesian Learning

Consider the flip coin experiment, if you flip the coin $10$ times, there are 2 case:

  • 5 heads and 5 tails

  • more confidence about that $p=0.5​$

  • $x$ head and $10-x$ tails

Now you have 2 options

  • frequentist statistics :Neglect prior beliefs, just based on data
  • Bayesian Learning :Adjust your belief according to observation

2.1. 2.1 Bayes’ Theorem

Bayes’ theorem
P ( \theta | X ) = \frac { P ( X | \theta ) P ( \theta ) } { P ( X ) }

  • $P ( \theta )$ Prior Probability is the probability of the hypothesis $\theta$ being true
  • $P ( X | \theta )​$ Likelihood is the conditional probability of the evidence given a hypothesis
  • $P ( X )$ Evidence :a summation (or integral) of the probabilities of all possible hypotheses
  • $P ( \theta | X )​$ Posteriori probability

2.2. 2.2 Application1: MAP

Used to confirm the valid hypothesis using posterior probabilities
\begin{aligned} \theta { M A P } & = \operatorname { argmax } { \theta } P \left( \theta { i } | X \right) \ & = \operatorname { argmax } { \theta } \left( \frac { P ( X | \theta { i } ) P \left( \theta { i } \right) } { P ( X ) } \right) \end{aligned}
$P(x)$ is independent of $\theta$ . Therefore, we can simplify the $\theta_{MAP} $ to
\theta_ { M A P } = \operatorname { argmax } { \theta } \left( P ( X | \theta { i } ) P \left( \theta _ { i } \right) \right)

2.3. 2.3 How to Achieve the Goal

For the $P ( X | \theta _ { i } )$ part

Use $MLE$

\frac { d } { d \theta } \ln P (X | \theta ) = 0

For the $P \left( \theta _ { i } \right)$ part

if the hypothesis space is continuous, it will be endless hypothesis.

So in practical, we use approximation techniques : Beta prior distribution
P ( \theta ) = \frac { \theta ^ { \alpha - 1 } ( 1 - \theta ) ^ { \beta - 1 } } { B ( \alpha , \beta ) }

  • $B ( \alpha , \beta )$ acts as the normalizing constant

2.4. 2.4 Example

As a Binomial probability example
P ( k , N | \theta ) = \left( \begin{array} { c } { N } \ { k } \end{array} \right) \theta ^ { k } ( 1 - \theta ) ^ { N - k }

P ( \theta ) = \frac { \theta ^ { \alpha - 1 } ( 1 - \theta ) ^ { \beta - 1 } } { B ( \alpha , \beta ) }

So the posterior
\begin{aligned} P ( \theta | N , k ) & = \frac { P ( N , k | \theta ) \times P ( \theta ) } { P ( N , k ) } \ & = \frac { \left( \begin{array} { c } { N } \ { k } \end{array} \right) } { B ( \alpha , \beta ) \times P ( N , k ) } \times \theta ^ { ( k + \alpha ) - 1 } ( 1 - \theta ) ^ { ( N + \beta - k ) - 1 } \end{aligned}
and consider it as a new Beta prior distribution
P ( \theta | N , k ) = \frac { \theta ^ { \alpha { n e w } - 1 } ( 1 - \theta ) ^ { \beta { n e w } - 1 } } { B \left( \alpha { n e w } , \beta { n e w } \right) }

3. 3 Bayes Optimal Classifier

Given new instance $x$, the hypothesis we get previously $h _ { M A P } ( x )$ may be not the most probable classification.

P \left( h { 1 } | D \right) = 0.4 , P \left( h { 2 } | D >\right) = 0.3 , P \left( h _ { 3 } | D \right) = 0.3
New instance

h { 1 } ( x ) = + , h { 2 } ( x ) = - , h _ { 3 } ( x ) = -

Bayes optimal classifier tell us that we should find:
\arg \max { v { j } \in V } \sum { h { i } \in H } P \left( v { j } | h { i } \right) P \left( h _ { i } | D \right)


P \left( h { 1 } | D \right) = 0.4 , P ( - | h { 1 } ) = 0 , >P ( + | h { 1 } ) = 1 \ P \left( h { 2 } | D \right) = 0.3 , >P ( - | h { 2 } ) = 1 , P ( + | h { 2 } ) = 0 \ P \left( h { >3 } | D \right) = 0.3 , P ( - | h { 3 } ) = 1 , P ( + | h { 3 >} ) = 0
\begin{aligned} \sum
{ h { i } \in H } P ( + | h { i } ) P >\left( h { i } | D \right) & = .4 \ \sum { h { i } \in H } P >( - | h { i } ) P \left( h _ { i } | D \right) & = .6 >\end{aligned}
so we choose $-$ as the classification

4. 4 Navie Bayes Classifier

When to use:

  • Large training set available
  • Attributes are independent
  • Used in diagnosis and text classification

Navie Bayes assumption:
P \left( a { 1 } , a { 2 } \ldots a { n } | v { j } \right) = \prod { i } P \left( a { i } | v { j } \right)
Bayes MAP
\begin{aligned} v
{ M A P } & = \underset { v { j } \in V } { \operatorname { argmax } } \frac { P \left( a { 1 } , a { 2 } \ldots a { n } | v { j } \right) P \left( v { j } \right) } { P \left( a { 1 } , a { 2 } \ldots a { n } \right) } \ & = \underset { v { j } \in V } { \operatorname { argmax } } P \left( a { 1 } , a { 2 } \ldots a { n } | v { j } \right) P \left( v { j } \right) \end{aligned}
Navie Bayes Classifier
{ N B } = \underset { v { j } \in V } { \operatorname { argmax } } P \left( v { j } \right) \prod { i } P \left( a { i } | v _ { j } \right)

5. 5 Bayesian Belief Networks

Improve Navie Bayes Classifier:

  • Attributes are independent $\to$ too restrictive
  • So Bayes Nets describe conditional independence among subsets

Conditional Independence
P ( X | Y , Z ) = P ( X | Z )
e.g. $P ( \text { Thunder } | \text { Rain, Lightning) } = P ( \text { Thunder } | \text {Lightning} )$

Bayes nets use cond. indep. to justify
\begin{aligned} P ( X , Y | Z ) & = P ( X | Y , Z ) P ( Y | Z ) \ & = P ( X | Z ) P ( Y | Z ) \end{aligned}
A network


in general
P \left( y { 1 } , \ldots , y { n } \right) = \prod { i = 1 } ^ { n } P \left( y { i } | \text { Parents } \left( Y { i } \right) \right)
So, joint distribution is fully defined by graph, and $P \left( y
{ i } | \text { Parents } \left( Y _ { i } \right) \right)$

Learning task:

  • Graph structure might be known or unknown
  • Training data might provide all or some variables

Case 1: known

  • Simlilar to training neural network with hidden units
  • Using gradient ascent
  • to maximizes $P ( D | h )$
  • Using EM (Expection Maximization)
  • to maximizes $E [ \ln P ( D | h ) ]$

Case 2: unknown

  • Use greedy search to add/substact edges and nodes
  • …… ==in research==

6. Appendix: EM

When to use? Data is only partially observable

6.1. Question Definition


  • Observed data $X = \left{ x { 1 } , \ldots , x { m } \right}$
  • Unobserved data $Z = \left{ z { 1 } , \ldots , z { m } \right}$
  • Probablity distribution $P ( Y | h )$
  • $Y = \left{ y { 1 } , \dots , y { m } \right}$ where $y { i } = x { i } \cup z _ { i }$
  • $h$ parameters


$h​$ that maximizes $E [ \ln P ( Y | h ) ]​$

6.2. General Method

Use $h$ and $X$ estimate $Z$
E [ \ln P ( Y | h ) ] \to E [ \ln P ( Y | h ^ { \prime } ) | h , X ]